FAW Statement on Coronavirus/COVID-19_issue 23
Dear secretary,
Following the Welsh Government announcement on Friday 23rd April regarding the latest easing of COVID-19 restrictions, please find attached updated Return to Play protocols to reflect the return of indoor activity from 3rd May 2021. Welsh Government also announced, if the public health conditions permit, from 17th May the number of people that can participate in outdoor activity will be increased to 50 and the number of people that can participate in indoor activity will be increased to 30. We will share updated protocols if the public health conditions allow this change to take place from 17th May.
FAW & FAW Trust
FAW Trust
Aled Lewis
Interim Head of Football Development
FAW Trust
Tel: +44 (0) 1633 282 911
Mob: +44 (0) 7387 027 932
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