To All Referees
NWCFA referees fitness test
The NWCFA has arranged a referees fitness session for Tuesday 9th January 2018 between 7.00pm and 9.00pm, to be held on the track at the Colwyn Bay Leisure Centre.
Could all referees please ensure they turn up and take part in this fitness session.
Should you have any queries please contact Merfyn Edmonds, NWCFA Referees Officer, by e-mail on edmonds1998@btinternet.com
Area Association Fitness test – Interval test
Test 1.
6 x 40 meter sprints.
Each sprint to be completed in less than 7 seconds. On completion of each sprint the participant returns to the start line to commence the next sprint.
In the event of one sprint being over 7 seconds, a 7th and final sprint will be permitted. If 2 sprints out of the 7 sprints are not completed in under 7 seconds the test is failed.
Interval Test
32 x 75 meters runs – 32 x 25 meter walks.
If the test is run in laps it is a total of 8 laps of the track. Each lap will consist of 4 x 75 meter runs and 4 x 25 meter walks.
EACH LAP = Run 75m- Walk 25m – Run 75m-Walk 25m- Run 75m- Walk 25m- Run 75m- Walk 25m.
Alternatively the test can be held in the same sequence but back and forth on one stretch of the track.
Each 75 meter Run should be completed in under 17 seconds.
Each 25 meter walk should be completed in under 22 seconds.
A whistle will start all runs.
There are no events to show yet.